Little Wavy Table in Oak

I made a little Wavy Table in Oak and it looks super cute next to the big one! I had only done a side table in Walnut so far but one of my repeat customers really wanted it to match her oak Flow lamps.

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Olivia Cornall
We live in Brighton now!

Lola and I have moved to the seaside city and now live in a lovely homey house with a few new friends, including Spyder-Cat. I needed to move to a place where people are creative and ambitious and I can be 2 minutes from beautiful countryside and seaside to keep me calm and inspired. Think this will be the perfect place for my next chapter, moving forward and growing my business I encourage you all to have goals and always be aiming to get where you want to be.

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Olivia Cornall
Exploring Romania

I spent last week exploring beautiful Romania to be a bridesmaid for my wonderful friend from Rosita. Bit of an adventure! Was a good time to find some inspiration from nature, rural Romania is like the olden times, and driving through the tiny streets and through rocky streams to find this hidden away waterfall to climb fuelled my goals to one day live on a mountain, finding inspiration every day. ๐Ÿž๏ธ

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Olivia Cornall
Larmer Tree festival

Exhibiting at the Craft Pavilion at Larmer Tree festival is really lovely ๐Ÿฅฐ๐ŸŒณ so many beautiful people and talented artists of all kinds, my kind of festival!

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Olivia Cornall
Liv news!

Liv news! Lots of exciting things happening at the moment.. look out for me in this month's House Beautiful and I've booked my first design shows! I was asked to exhibit at Grand Designs Live in Birmingham and local ones in Wisley and Crowthorne, all in October and November. It's a big step up for me, I'm so excited that things are coming together and my work is starting to get out there. I remember visiting Grand Designs Live back when I was 15 and imagining myself being a part of it, and now it's actually happening! It's a difficult road but if you keep working hard you can get to where you want to go! Please come along to see me if you can! ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒผ

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Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes... What I love about my job is being able to do every part of the process, having to be a designer, maker, photographer, do my graphics, editing, website and words, (and less fun accounts and marketing.) It means growing takes time and I have to build up to the more exciting creations in my head, and it's hard when I doubt I'm good enough, but when I look at what I have done so far on my own I can be quite proud and excited about what the future could hold. Being a photographer is fun, on the lookout for beauty and getting into weird positions to get a good shot. This time my mum was here to help and captured me thinking in a field like I like to do.

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Flow-ing in a yellow field

I couldn't resist taking my lamp to one of the beautiful rapeseed fields near my workshop... yellow's my colour and nature inspiration is my thing! Countrysideโœ… Furnitureโœ… Yellowโœ… Natureโœ… Creativityโœ… ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ’›๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒณ

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Liv furniture in a beautiful house

Might have to make a sofa next! Took some new photos in this beautiful Victorian house where my tables and lamps look very at home. The sleek lines with the natural wood make them fit perfectly in any home, modern and rustic alike. ๐Ÿก

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Tool chest passed down from my great grandfather

My great grandfather's cabinet making tool chest is beautiful, full of history and has just been passed down to me to keep the family wood fingers going. Can't wait to use the tools that he did so long ago, love this tiny plane! ๐Ÿ›  

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Shade making too now!

I make shades for my lamps too now! Always love to learn new skills, comes in handy with your own business when you do everything yourself ๐Ÿ’ก Now you can have your lamp just how you want it :)

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Olivia Cornall
Edge Table is perfect as a TV stand

Edge Table is a handy piece of multi-use furniture and is perfect as a coffee table, TV stand, storage and more. Available in a range of sizes including custom options.

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Moving to a new workshop!

Moving to a new workshop! Lucky I have so many lovely brothers to help, we're all pooped! Got lots of organising to do now. Cute new workshop on a farm in Farnham, excited to get going ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ› 

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Olivia Cornall